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Meet Jas, Artona Ambassador 2021

From Byrne Creek Secondary in Burnaby, Jas is one of the school's top athletes, playing soccer, basketball and netball. She's also the president of grad council and project manager of the school's athletic council. Before the pandemic, she was a tutor and mentor for grade 8 students, as well as the school's student first aid attendant. Outside of school, Jas plays soccer for a divisional team and is the vice president of Sunshine Society BC, a youth-led non-profit organization.

On top of all of that, she's also one of our ambassadors for #Grad2021.

Next month, she'll officially be graduating, an experience she's already calling "extremely bittersweet". Her last year of high school hasn't been what she, or any of her peers, expected:

"COVID has cut what was supposed to be the best year of high school to a minimum. I had been looking forward to having a large graduation ceremony and dancing the night away at prom since I was a little girl. Along with impacting many aspects of school, COVID has also impacted my final year in youth soccer as restrictions were constantly changing, making my team unable to train together and compete against other teams"

Even though this last year has been disappointing, she's grateful that her high school experience was full of lessons and growth. She's also ready to move on to bigger and better things: Jas plans on attending Simon Fraser University to study Biomedical Physiology. As an athlete and someone who is passionate about supporting her community, we know she will go far in her field.

Congratulations Jas, we wish you all the best!


Interested in applying for the #Grad2022 Ambassador Program? Applications are now open here.

Want to congratulate Jas on her upcoming graduation? Leave a comment below!


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